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                      5.2.1 FDNODE.CTL

      FDNODE.CTL is FDNC's control file. It is used to control how
      FDNC processes the nodelist files, for dial translation and
      cost calculation. The order of commands does not matter. All
      commands are case insensitive.


      This option allows you to add points to your nodelist
      database. The optional BOSS address is required if FILENAME
      does not contain a BOSS entry and should not be specified if
      FILENAME contains a BOSS entry.

      If you only have one file with point entries, you can name it
      FDPOINT.PVT. FDNC will automatically use this file if it is
      found in the NODELIST directory. If you use one or more
      POINTLIST statements, FDNC will merge all specified files
      into FDPOINT.PVT, overwriting its contents. A separate
      chapter discusses the point concept.


      Similar to the POINTLIST command, but FILENAME contains one
      or more regular nodes. The optional ZONE number is required
      if FILENAME does not contain a ZONE entry and should not be
      specified if FILENAME contains a ZONE entry. The optional
      ZONE number is only supported for the first PVTLIST
      statement. FDNC accepts the POINT keyword in private

      If you only have one file with additional node entries, you
      can name it FDNET.PVT. FDNC will automatically use it if it
      is found in the NODELIST directory. Note that if you use one
      or more PVTLIST statements, FDNC will merge all specified
      files into FDNET.PVT, overwriting its contents.

      Note that FILENAME for POINTLIST and PVTLIST may contain
      wildcard characters (* and ?). FDNC will use the most recent
      (by comparing the timestamp of the matching files) file.


      This command was added to handle the somewhat screwed up
      method Swedish pulse exchanges handles dialing. Most modem
      manufacturers uses the British standard for pulse dialing,
      which is not compatible with Swedish pulse dialing. If you
      use SWEPULSE in FDNODE.CTL, telephone numbers will be
      properly translated. Do NOT use this command unless you live
      in Sweden and have to use pulse dialing.


      Some systems are listed as PVT (private) in the nodelist, in
      which case there is no telephone number available (the text
      -Unpublished- is used in place). This, of course, means that
      FD cannot call a system listed as PVT. If you have the phone
      number of a PVT listed system, or wish to override the
      telephone number listed in the nodelist, you can use the
      PHONE command.

      ADDRESS is a fully qualified address (eg. 2:270/17). NUMBER
      is an untranslated (raw) telephone number (eg. 352-355-936).
      If the PHONE command is used, FDNC will remove possible DOWN,
      HOLD and PVT flags for the specified system.

      USE ZONE <ZONE>[<ZONE> <ZONE>..]

      This command controls which zones FDNC should include in the
      nodelist and username index files. The default is to include
      all encountered zones. This does not affect the contents of
      raw nodelist files, only what information ends up in the
      nodelist and username index files.


      Indicates the start of the dial translation table. All four
      parameters are optional and are only used if no other
      translation applies for a telephone number.

      If you only want to use a national (NATL) prefix/suffix, you
      must specify the / character for the international (INTL)
      prefix/suffix to indicate no special treatment. The same
      applies if you only want to use an INTL prefix/suffix.

          ;   prefix
          ;   prefix/suffix
          ;   /suffix
          DIAL    /   00          ; Add INTL prefix to all INTL
                                  ; numbers.
              352-                ; Strip country code
              61-     0061-/X2    ; Send "X2" to HST for Australia
              46-8    /391        ; Append (suffix) 391 to all
                                  ; numbers in Stockholm Sweden.

      END is required to terminate the dial translation table.

      If you need to strip the search value from a number, you do
      not have to put anything after it. In other words, if you
      need to strip 1-305-596 from all number, you enter that
      string with no translation. Comments are ignored and must be
      preceded by a semicolon.

              DIAL    12345-1- 00

             Would add (prefix) 12345-1- to all NATL numbers not otherwise
             translated. It would add (prefix) 00 to all INTL numbers not
             otherwise translated.

                     DIAL    /2222 00/1111

             Would append (suffix) 2222 to all NATL numbers not otherwise
             translated. It would add (prefix) 00 and append (suffix) 1111
             to all INTL numbers not otherwise translated.

             The translation values (strings) does not have to contain
             number characters (0-9,.-). They can include commands such as
             "S25=100" etc. as long as your modem supports it.

             COST <NATL COST> <INTL COST>

             Indicates the start of the cost table. The two (default)
             parameters are NOT optional. The default cost only applies to
             numbers with no matching entry in the cost table.

                     COST    5 125           ; NATL default=5, INTL=175
                         1-          75      ; Canada and the US
                         1-808-      125     ; Hawaii
                         46-         27      ; Sweden

             An additional parameter can be added after the cost for a
             number entry indicating the maximum baud rate used. This is
             useful when calling locations with a lot of line noise etc.
             Please note that this does not work with several high-speed
             modems such as the US Robotics Courier HST. You cannot force
             a HST modem to connect at 2400 with another HST modem by
             changing the baud rate.

         To compile your nodelist, type FDNC and press <Enter>, or invoke
         the nodelist compiler from FD's main menu, <Alt-N>.

         When FDNC is started, it will compare the date of the raw
         nodelist and its index files. If the dates match, and no update
         has been made to FDNODE.CTL, no compilation will be made and the
         program will ask "Nodelist files are up-to-date, compile

         If you want to force compilation, run FDNC with the /F command
         line switch.

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